Saturday, February 22, 2014

It's been a long time, huh?

Hello again....

To say it's been a long time since my last post would be a drastic understatment.  It's been FOREVER.  So much has changed in my world.  I know with my last post I had the intention of updating you guys on all fronts, but that didn't seem to happen.  Lately, I've realized that more than ever I need an outlet.  I need to write.  Who knows, someone may actually need to read it.  So, that's my write.  To bring this blog up to date on all the going ons in my oh so boring life, and use it as a place to vent...a place to post my frustrations....a place to find solace....and hopefully healing.  So, stand by!  Updates are coming!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I know, I know

Okay....I know! It's been a long time since I've updated this blog. Honestly, I just haven't felt like anything I had to say was worthy of typing. I've been in a kind of "ho-hum" mood about pretty much everything. I didn't figure there was any point and bringing you guys down to my "Eyeore-ish" level. I've got some good stuff brewing, so stay tuned. I's coming! :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

1 step forward, 2 steps back and a few minutes on my soap box!!

Yes, I said that right!! It seems like lately, at least in our home life, it’s been that way. We’ll celebrate 10 years of marriage this year, and a lot has changed in those years. When we got married we were very young, dumb, and deliriously happy. Our wedding day marked an accomplishment of sorts. We were totally that couple that no one thought would make it. We were a fad almost. We didn’t fit together, seemed to have almost nothing in common, and our love story really came out of nowhere and made no sense. 10 years later, we’re still here, more in love, and happier than ever! While our relationship has grown, and so have we as people, we’ve faced lots of challenges (like every marriage) along the way. I guess, I’m just more frustrated with the challenges facing us today, than I have ever been.

No soapbox here (we’ll save that for later in the post). I’m frustrated because we did everything “right.” We fell in love, abstained from sex until after marriage (yes, that’s right world….it’s possible to do! I was virgin until my honeymoon night, and I will forever be proud of that!!!), got married, found decent (for our area of the world) jobs, and then had a kiddo. The “correct” order of things. So, someone please tell me why, we can’t seem to get ahead at all!! We decided early in our marriage that we wanted more for ourselves than our parents had, and more for our children than we had. No, that doesn’t mean “things” per say. We just wanted better. We wanted that day when we weren’t living paycheck to paycheck. When we had a nest egg, something to fall back on. We had a plan. I would work (full time) while he worked (part time) and went to school to become a police officer. When the time came, he would return me the favor. He worked full time as did I, while we put me through nursing school. Every night when I would drag in from work and start my never ending homework and studying we would remind ourselves that “our time” was coming. The light we saw, really was the end of the tunnel, and not a train!!! Once I got my “dream job” as a nurse, I would finally be making more than minimum wage, and we could finally start DIGGING ourselves out of a hole we’d spent 8 years building!!

Fast forward to today. UGH!! Here we are. Making more $ than we ever have, but we still can’t seem to dig out of that hole. I HATE DEBT!! I really do! It drives me insane. Some people say you’ll never have anything in life without debt. I disagree! It’s possible, I just haven’t really figured out how yet. I was soooo close to being essentially (other than our mortgage) debt free!! Did you hear that?? DEBT FREE!!! I could see that day within my reach…..not anymore! In the last 6-8 months my car died and wasn’t repairable, so now I have a new car payment (new payment, not new car). Greg managed to fail to read the fine print and took a “free” class to be a personal trainer. Well, the class didn’t end up being "free" if you didn’t take your licensure exam, now we have a $4000 debt to pay thanks to that! Our (struggling) central heat/air that came with our home, stopped struggling and DIED. Hello to another $2600 debt. This week Greg went for his Lasik surgery consult, and we got the news that on surgery day we had to write a check for $4200, and it looks as if it’s time to re-roof our house (and it can’t be delayed too long) YAY (sarcasm) $5000 more!! Add all that to the mountain of medical bills from this crazy battle with infertility and I feel like we’re drowning!

Okay, before you people start screaming at me, let me say this….We are incredibly blessed! Far beyond what we deserve. We both have jobs that we enjoy and the health and strength to go to them everyday. We have a roof (although it needs replacing) over our heads, clothes on our backs, food in our stomachs, wonderful friends, a fantastic family, and enumerable blessings!! I know how blessed I am!! I just wish that from the bottom of this hole I’ve found myself in, that those blessing were easier to count than the bills that keep coming!! Somehow we'll manage all this newfound debt. We’ll come out on the other end, praising God for His blessings and the ability to conquer such a giant!! In the meantime, I’ll wallow a little!!

I really don’t’ think I’d be quite as frustrated if this economy and society made more sense. Why is it that those of us who are actually attempting to be productive, participating, contributing members of society, seem to be the ones struggling so much today? While so many live the ‘high life” off the system!! No mortgage because HUD is paying for their homes, no power bill because DSS is offsetting that cost, no insurance payments because Medicaid is covering that bill, no groceries to buy because they have food stamps, no job to go to and no worries as long they can draw unemployment!!! Greg and I know people/have family members/friends who are leaches to society, but for some reason,to them, this behavior is okay. They have no drive, no desire to be better, they don’t want more for themselves or their child(ren). They are content with us (and the rest of most of you) going to work, and funding the system that allows them their freedom from responsibility!! **SOAP BOX ALERT!!** Get up, get off your tail, get a job, and become a productive member of society! (Disclaimer: For those of you who are blessed enough to be stay at home mommies….I am by no means talking to you!! You aren’t societal leaches, but quite the opposite. You are forging a path for a more moral, structured world!! Kudos to you!! :) ) And attention to all the other family members/friends that continue to enable these leaches!! Your actions will no longer be tolerated either. You are just as guilty as if you’d bought the crack for the crack addict, or the beer for the alcoholic. It’s not okay!! And saying that you’re “proud” of the sucky decisions that they’ve made recently not only upsets me, but literally turns my stomach!! You wanna be proud! Be proud of my hubby and his decisions!! He’s working everyday, 2 jobs (police and National Guard) and is getting ready to be deployed! Yeah, that’s right….fighting for our freedom! Not sitting at home, watching TV, drawing a check and benefits that in my opinion are no longer due you!! **OFF SOAP BOX**

Whew…..that post was heavy, huh?? I’ve probably upset a few of you, and if so….I’m sorry!! I just really needed to vent!! Thanks for listening. I feel much better now :) Off to bed! Working tonight!!

I like the way you talk....

Ha. So, you’ve seen that clip from the movie “Slingblade”, right? If not, check it out here:
You’ll get a giggle out of it, for sure.

I guess you’re wondering where I’m going with this? Well, it’s a long (kinda) story. Stick with me here. Last August I was asked to be a member of the special events committee at my church. What’s that you may ask? We’ll we’re the committee who plans pretty much everything outside of the weekly services. We’re the ones who plan and prepare for fellowship dinners, Sunday singings, concerts, conferences, food drives, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, holiday celebrations. Get it? We’re busy!! Our ultimate goal though is to promote unity, fellowship, and mission mindedness among our members. Since I’m the “loudest” (read biggest mouthed) of the 3 members, I often (read all the time) get elected as our spokesperson. This means that I have to speak, out loud, in church….OFTEN. There will be months when our poor congregation won’t go a weekend without hearing from me. I talk A LOT!!

Fast forward to last Sunday. Church was over and Hannah and I are sharing lunch together at her favorite little restaurant in town. While we’re sitting there a sweet couple from our church walk by on their way out the door. While the hubby goes to pay for their dinner, the wife comes over to our table and says “Oh, Breanna….I just love to hear you speak at church. You’re so funny, and honest. Everything you say, just flows! You should really think about doing it more often!” Once I was able to swallow (prevent choking on my) chicken tender, I was able to say “Thank you so much, more often than not I am so nervous and feel like I ramble! And who wants to hear this old country girl talk anymore? Haha” To which she replies “Oh no! We can never tell your nervous. We’d love to hear you more often!” I just nodded and smiled, and we said our goodbyes.

On the way home, Hannah’s jamming out in the background to K-Love , and I can’t help but giggle. Even though that sweet lady had paid me a great compliment, all I kept hearing her say in my head, in full “Slingblade” style, was “I LIKE THE WAY YOU TALK!!” LOL!!!! I probably giggled about if for at least 3 or 4 more songs, but then I really got stuck on something she said, not once, but twice….”more often!” What if I talked more often? What am I going to talk about? Where am I going to talk? All these questions left me wondering, can I really use my voice to make a difference. My voice?? I tried the whole singing thing once, I quickly realized that I couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, and the world's ears were much safer if I kept my singing to merely my car and my shower. But, I guess, there’s really more to a voice than just singing. Talking…speaking….humm?? My interest was perked!

I’ll have to admit, like most times in my life, things perked my interest but then thanks to life in general, it slipped my mind. Last week I got up the guts to publicly (via Facebook) publish a link to this little blog. I got some awesome comments, for all of which I am thankful, but one stuck out again. “You may have just stumbled onto something bigger than you know!” Wow….I hadn’t saw it that way before. I created this blog as a sounding board and a safe place for me to vent. I never thought that it would go anywhere, or really mean anything, but now it looks like it can and has!!

Now my dilemma! For what cause do I use my voice? What topic, population, or charity can I champion. God gave me this voice, and what I am quickly learning is a tool for His glory, to make a difference in this world…..I just don’t know which way to go. Any ideas? Those of you who know me, know my beliefs and where I stand on just about every topic. What should I do, where should I go (other than to the Lord in prayer about the whole thing), and what do I talk about?? With the Lord’s help, maybe I can take my little voice, this little blog, some little topic, and make a big difference somewhere!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

100th day project

Times sure does fly, doesn't it?

It seems like it was just yesterday that I was buying new school clothes, and spending the last few glorious days of summer with my kiddo. Look at us now! We've celebrated Labor Day, Halloween, had fall break, ate too much at Thanksgiving, celebrated Jesus' birthday, ushered in a new year, and are headed full steam ahead into Valentine's Day. As if the reality of this slipping time wasn't smacking me in the face enough already, I got a note in Hannah's homework folder that read "We're celebrating the 100th day of school!!!". What? 100 days already? You've got to be kidding me. They only go to school for 180 days. We're more than half way through this school year!

To "celebrate" Hannah had a project due at the end of this week. A collection of 100 things, "displayed neatly". 100 things? What kind of things?? I really didn't have a clue what we were going to do for this. Partly because both Greg and I worked this week and I feel horribly guilty pawning large projects off on my moma, and because at first glance I didn't see 100 anything in my house. Hannah came home and said "Sydney is bringing 100 seashells, and Eric has 100 toy cars." Oh were we supposed to hold a candle to seashells and matchbox cars? After thinking about it, suddenly it hit me!! PICTURES!!! Our home is filled to the brim with pictures. Family pictures, pictures of friends, tons of memories printed on 4x6 photo paper. PERFECT. Greg bought a cute new photo album, and I got busy uploading pics to Even Hannah was excited.

Hannah was in every single picture I chose. This project turned out to be a timeline of sorts. The first picture in the book was of the day Hannah was born. Her daddy and I holding her and all her IVs and wires in the nursery at the hospital. We were so young, so dumb, and so deliriously happy. The last picture in the book was the last one we had made of ourselves. Christmas at the National Guard armory. Greg in his ACUs with me and Hannah-banana by his side. I looked through those pictures over and over again. MY HEART BROKE!! My baby isn't a baby anymore. Wow....God allowed me to be that precious baby's moma and with His help, and her daddy's of course, we've raised a beautiful, smart, sweetheart of a little girl. 6 years of pictures and memories were in my hands. What an amazing blessing this "little project" had turned out to be. God is faithful, and he's used our lives and the moments displayed in so many of those pictures to prove it....time and time again. Even though I was sad that my baby has grown up so quickly, I was so thankful for what those pictures were. Wow at the amazing memories God had allowed us to make with our baby girl. Vacations, and holidays, special occasions and everyday life. We've lived, loved, and laughed together. We made memories with our little girl that we wished we'd had as children. When we decided to start a family our goals in life change dramatically. Our life wasn't about us anymore, but it became all about making a "better life" for the little lives we were about to bring into the world. The 100th day project showed us that we'd been blessed to do just that!!! Who would have ever thought there would be a blessing in a homework assignment? Now, we just keep praying that one day, very soon we can start a picture album full of new memories with me, Greg, Hannah, and a new little bundle of joy!! Ya'll will be praying with us, right?

WinterJam!!! :)

When I last left you guys, I had mentioned (more than once) that I was headed to WinterJam over the weekend. I did, just as I had planned. Let me preface my ramblings about WinterJam by saying, I know that some people don't really like the idea of "Christian Rock" and some will even go as far as saying that it's blasphemy. I respect those opinions, but I challenge anyone who thinks this way to attend a WinterJam, just one time, with an open mind. I have zero doubts that your opinion would be changed by nights end.

My longtime BFF Tara, my "little" (she's not little anymore) cousin Rachall, and I set out for our girls night out in the early afternoon. Our plan was to grab dinner in Winston, run a few Tara errands, and be to the Greensboro coliseum early to stand in line. Long story short, that plan didn't quite go so smoothly, but we made it to the coliseum in plenty of time! The line was RIDICULOUS, just as it always is. WinterJam is a music festival. Ten bands for $10. There's no wonder it's always a madhouse, and the Greensboro stop is the largest in the WinterJam tour. 21,000 people were in attendance that night with 1000s turned away because we were WAY over capacity. I'm pretty sure the fire marshall was having a heart attack somewhere in the building :)

The music was awesome. For King & Country, Building 429, Group 1 Crew, NewSong, Sanctus Real, Kari Jobe, and Skillet poured there hearts out. The worship was amazing. I can't express to you how it feels to stand in a room full of 21,000 people, all in like mind, calling on and praising our Lord. God was alive and moving in Greensboro that night. Souls were saved, decisions were made, rededications happened, LIVES WERE CHANGED. Listen hard here people. The Bible says that where 2 or more are gathered, He'll be there. HE WAS. That coliseum was overflowing with the Holy Spirit. AMAZING NIGHT. The thing that I enjoyed most though, really had nothing to do with the venue, or the music....

Many years ago this perfect little girl was born. The first baby for my aunt Tammy. She was absolutely perfect, they named her Rachall. That little girl has always been one of my favorite people, I've watched her grow up from this tiny perfect little baby into this amazing young woman. I'm blessed to be able to say she's more than my cousin, she's one of my best friends. I love that girl. Well, thanks to WinterJam I got to witness a sight that will forever be embedded in my heart. I watched that girl really praise the Lord. Watching her, with her hands raised, in complete praise of our Lord is a site that I will treasure forever. She loves the Lord and it was all over her face that night. The Lord inhabits the praise of his people, and that night he had lots to inhabit. I'm glad I was one of them, and I'm even more glad that I got to watch my "little Rachall" get her praise on too!! Good times!!

So, WinterJam rocked. The Superbowl sucked :/ Plans didn't work out for us to hang out with our buds, but that's alright!! We'll make up for it. The Daytona 500 is only a couple weeks away! :) Works been decent (quick, someone knock on wood...I'd hate to jinx myself!!). The Duke v. Carolina game was AWESOME!!! WOOT WOOT!! I love me some Blue Devils. They are "callin' for snow" this weekend. Of course they are. It's been 60 degrees all winter long, and the weekend we have family plans out of town it's going to snow. Oh well, it's just the circus. If we can't make it down there we'll cuddle up on the couch together, watch some episodes of Wizards of Waverly place and just enjoy being together! <3

Friday, February 3, 2012

Haha!! :)

Do you see this man?

I love him!!

He's my better half!!

The absolute love of my life!!

An amazing father!

Honorable soldier!

Proud police officer!

My life mate, best friend, and greatest blessing!

BUT....if he doesn't start helping me around this house. His days are numbered!! LOL